To provide extended capabilities, SimWalk pursues the strategy of offering interfaces to other software in the transport simulation ecosystem. Currently interfaces exist with the rail network simulation software OpenTrack and the large scale microsimulation software MATsim.
The railway simulation tool OpenTrack is a well-established railway planning software and it is used by railways, the railway supply industry, consultancies and universities in different countries. OpenTrack allows to model, simulate and analyze among others the following types of rail systems: High speed rail, heavy rail, intercity rail, metro, underground, light rail and trams.
Railway systems are complex infrastructures where effective operation and reliability depend on the smooth interconnection between system parts. Partnering with and integrating OpenTrack.
Open White Paper here: SimWalk & OpenTrack
MATSim provides a framework to implement large-scale agent-based transport simulations. The framework consists of several modules which can be combined or used stand-alone. Modules can be replaced by own implementations to test single aspects of your own work. Currently, MATSim offers a framework for demand-modeling, agent-based mobility-simulation (traffic flow simulation), re-planning, a controller to iteratively run simulations as well as methods to analyze the output generated by the modules.
Dynamic and unimpeded passenger flows in public stations are a key aspect of reliable public transport infrastructure. For clients who want to model larger areas, up to urban scale simulations, SimWalk now co-operates with Senozon, the service provider for MATSim.
Open White Paper here: SimWalk & MATsim